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This course is approved for 28 MN POST  credits.

This instructor level course is designed to enhance officer’s skills to control physically aggressive prisoners under typical corrections operating conditions. It will broaden the student’s understanding of tactics and human kinetic principles related to control and defense for corrections officers.. The focus of the course is on single officer and team techniques, lessening the need for higher levels of force, while quickly controlling an assaultive prisoner. The student will learn de-escalation techniques, as well as when and how to apply reasonable force options. This course contains practical lessons throughout which prepare students to efficiently teach others tactics and skills specific to the corrections environment

This course will also focus on improving effective communicators, trainers and mentors of corrections officers. This program maximizes information transfer from the classroom to real world application for trainers and the professionals they teach. Finally, this course will broaden the student’s understanding of technique and use of force training curriculum to better serve individual and organizational needs. Our systems and concepts can be easily integrated into most training programs and fielded in virtually any corrections, security, or similar organization.

Performance Objectives (upon completion students will be able to):

  • Develop/improve a training plan with a focus on single officer and team control and defense principles.
  • Apply adult learning concepts and related teaching methods.
  • Communicate relevant federal, state, and local laws & procedures governing the use of force.
  • Develop simple lesson plans.
  • Teach verbal de-escalation and command presence skills.
  • Demonstrate defensive methods for corrections officers.
  • Teach basic one officer and two officer team handcuffing.
  • Teach basic escorts, single officer takedowns and team takedowns.
  • Teach basic ground control and escape techniques.
  • Integrate realistic drills to an existing scenario based training program.
  • Teach striking, movement, and striking defense skills with hands, elbows, knees, and feet.
  • Teach techniques for control and defense in and around a motor vehicle.
  • Teach weapon/tool retention techniques.

What to bring:

  • BDU style pants
  • Duty belt/duty vest

Tom Menton and Chad Malmberg

“Better instructors than I’ve seen anywhere.”
“Great presentation skills.  Made the course interesting and fun.  Very realistic course material.”
“Very usable techniques!”
-Dan Swanson, Rochester Police Department SWAT

​”Top level instructors.  Highly recommended, here to help you.  What I liked most about the course overall was the atmosphere, learning how to teach, and the realistic tactics.”
-Tyler Martin, Washington County Sheriff’s Office SWAT

“By far, some of the most effective instructors I’ve worked with.”
“What I liked most was not only being taught the subject material, but learning how to teach others while keeping it simple and applicable.”
“I enjoyed every minute and wish there were more days to train with Chad and Tom.”
-Deputy Tony Nelson, Anoka County Sheriff’s Office SWAT



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Defensive Tactics for Corrections Officers (11/10/25)
$ 899.00

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