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Looking to improve your law enforcement agency’s recruitment and retention efforts? Join us for a one day workshop focused on strategies and tactics to attract and retain top talent.

According to the US Department of Justice, finding the right “fit” is the most important predictor of success in law enforcement recruitment. That’s why we’ll start by helping you create an employee value proposition that articulates your department’s core values and mission. From there, we’ll work with you to develop a structured interview process that measures candidates against those core values, using tools like OMS/JAX to assess for fit.

Our research indicates recruitment is just the beginning. Engaging your current employees is essential to retaining them over the long term. We’ll explore the number one internal factor affecting an employee’s decision to stay or leave a job: the relationship with their immediate supervisor. That’s why we’ll focus on leadership training and career conversations to help develop the leadership potential of officers throughout your organization. We’ll also discuss the importance of implementing competency models and creating individual development plans to help officers grow and advance within your agency.

And when it comes to retaining your best employees, we’ll show you how to be proactive rather than reactive. We’ll show you how to conduct a talent management audit and employee engagement survey to assess your agency’s strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also teach you how to conduct stay interviews and gather 360 feedback to identify areas for improvement and keep your top performers engaged and motivated.

Don’t let the best talent slip away. Join us for this workshop and learn how to attract and retain the best officers for your agency.


To equip law enforcement agencies with the knowledge and tools needed to attract and retain top talent, including strategies and tactics for recruitment, engagement, and retention.


Recruitment Strategies (2 hours)

  • The importance of finding the right “fit”
  • Creating an employee value proposition
  • Articulating your department’s core values
  • Developing a structured interview process
  • Utilizing OMS/JAX to assess for fit

Engaging Your Employees (2 hours)

  • The importance of the supervisor-employee relationship
  • Leadership training and development
  • Career conversations and growth opportunities
  • Implementing competency models
  • Creating individual development plans

Retention Tactics (2 hours)

  • Being proactive in retaining talent
  • Conducting a talent management audit
  • Administering an employee engagement survey
  • Conducting stay interviews
  • Gathering 360 feedback

Implementation and Action Plan (1.5 hours)

  • Identifying the key takeaways and action items
  • Developing an action plan for implementing the strategies and tactics discussed in the
  • workshop
  • Discussing potential roadblocks and how to overcome them

Conclusion (30 minutes)

  • Recap of the workshop highlights
  • Final Q&A and feedback

Pen and paper/notebook


Justin Quigley, Founder and CEO of Fresh Talent


Visit their website and learn why Justin is uniquely capable of improving your agency’s ability to be successful with your recruitment and retention goals.


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