Building Clearing Tactics
This course is designed for patrol officers to improve their basic tactical movement skills when clearing buildings and other structures. The tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) presented within have been developed by tier 1 military operators and adopted by SWAT teams. These TTPs have been optimized for rapid learning, and adapted for a patrol function, in order to establish a strong foundation for more advanced skills.
Officers will learn primarily team tactics to safely clear potential danger areas. In the absence of a team, these techniques can be successfully employed by an individual. Topics include: safe weapons handling, tactical approach and search techniques, threshold assessment and room clearing, as well as negotiating danger areas such as stairwells, doorways, hallways, and basements. The methods taught in this course should be applied in everyday police work in order to keep officers safe.
This course establishes, and builds upon, the fundamentals learned in police academies across the country. Concepts include: maintaining 360-degree security, tactical communications, basic leader development, covering angles, and general teamwork. This course is strongly recommended as annual refresher training to maintain basic skill proficiency for security and law enforcement personnel.