Vehicle Extractions
Learn the art of safely removing resisting subjects from vehicles with our comprehensive course on Vehicle Extractions. Designed for law enforcement professionals and individuals in emergency response roles, this course aims to equip students with essential skills and techniques to handle challenging scenarios encountered in and around vehicles. With a primary focus on teamwork and safety, and a secondary emphasis on effective control concepts, this course will empower participants to confidently handle subjects inside vehicles and achieve successful subject extractions.
Through a combination of tactical instruction, practical demonstrations, and hands-on exercises, students will delve into the intricacies of vehicle extractions. Our expert instructors will guide you through various drills and scenarios, teaching you how to respond effectively to resistance encountered during subject removals. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges posed by vehicles and explore a range of concepts and strategies that can be employed to achieve control over resisting subjects.
By the end of this course, you will have developed the skills and knowledge necessary to work as part of a cohesive team during high-pressure situations, ensuring the safe removal of subjects from vehicles. Whether you are a law enforcement officer responding to a dangerous suspect or an emergency responder facing unexpected resistance, our Vehicle Extractions course will equip you with the tools you need to navigate these circumstances with confidence.
Additional topics covered include:
- Vehicle Containment Tactics
- Policy/Legal issues surrounding Vehicle Extraction
- Safety – Never attempt to remove a subject from a mobile vehicle
- Teamwork – best practices for a variety of scenarios officers may encounter with vehicle extractions
- Responding to resistance inside a vehicle
- Scenario based training
- Duty belt/duty vest
- Training weapon(s)
- Applicable equipment for vehicle containment and entry (if available)
- Simunition blue guns (if available)
- Simunition/Force on Force/Non Lethal Training Ammunition (50 rounds is sufficient)
- Protective gear for marking rounds
- Blauer style padded helmet (if available)
- Gloves